The Essential Fly


The Mohican range has to be one of our favourite lure patterns and have proved most successful on our trips for some years now.  

A deadly range of trout lures, they are tied on Partridge K4AY Barbless Sproat Grub & Buzzer Hook. We developed these initially for larger trout, those nice double figure 10 to 20lb trout. They will of course work well in any waters and for any trout! Looking like a fry these work extremely well in the margins retrieved slowly with a figure of 8 and as a general lure. With a Pine Squirrel wing which is highly mobile due to Semperfli Straggle String which sits below the pine as a thorax which projects the wing keeping it highly mobile in the water.

The Iridescent bodied Mohicans are stunning fry imitators, the black bodied and olive bodied all having Semperfli Straggle String thoraxes. These truly are a deadly mini lure.

We have these flies available ready to fish and they come either individually or in a complete collection as you can see here.

Alternatively you can have the tying guide if you would like to tie these yourself.  Here is the tying guide


Check Our Deadly And Quality Trout Fly & Other Fly Patterns
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