Trout fly fishing - brown trout: 1
Trout fly fishing for brown trout (salmo trutta in Latin) is an exercise in skill, persuasion, craftiness and strategy. Brownies are either cynical or skeptical, depending on your point of view. Cynical because they are not easily impressed by your efforts to catch them and skeptical because it requires a lot of patience if you are to persuade them to leave leave cover and attack its prey.
An experienced angler can succeed with casting both dry flies and nymphs. However, typically only the younger brown trout will move aggressively to well-presented dry flies. The larger fish tend to be more wary and selective; they take a lot of convincing, as well as precise dry fly presentations if you’re going to get any results at all.
Anglers aiming to get the better of, or fool a brown trout of any age or size, may also commonly nymph nymph with an indicator, swinging leach or sculpin patterns. Indeed, a well-fished and stripped sculpin can often entice the largest, most cautious brown trout. The pattern made seduce it from the security of its favorite undercut bank and into you net. Ideally, a 9 foot 5 weight fly rod is the tool you want for this exercise.
Trout fly fishing for salmo trutta may not be easy, but it’s well worth the effort.