The Essential Fly

Stroft GTM Available probably the best tippet line around

Stroft GTM Tippet Released

We have been asked for Stroft GTM this fly line many times, it is absolutely superb,  Stroft GTM probably the best fly tippet material available. John Tyzack first recommended that we use it personally we tested it and were stunned. It is non reflective, ultra light and extremely soft. We now personally used our Essential Fly Tapered Leaders and cut them back to about 8 feet in length then use Stroft as the final length. The Essential Fly Tapered Leaders give us the perfect turnover with Stroft virtually invisible  in a 4 foot length to the dry flies. For droppers we simply use descending diameter Stroft and tie our own. This is by far the best line we have used. If used with the knots shown on the packets this is extrodinarily strong and virtually invisible to trout in the 0.12mm diameter and thinner tippet material.

Check out Stroft GTM Here

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