The Essential Fly

River Fly in Focus

However, it can’t rain forever, and sooner or later, levels will drop back enough, allowing us to dust off our dry flies.  Blessed with such conditions, we can expect hatches of Large dark olives that are bound to get the trout excited enough to rise.

Traditionally, many anglers would rely on fully hackled dressings that imitate a winged adult.  However, it’s no great secret trout will often pick off emergers and stillborns that hang in a bedraggled manner at the surface.  Covering all bases this scaled down Klinkhamer is just the ticket during early season hatches of olives.

Fishing Tips:

A rule, a single dry fly is considered the best approach on running water as it helps avoid unwanted drag.  In light of this, we’d recommend using as long a leader as conditions allow.  Where light breezes occur this might anything up to 16 ft or so, which would consist of a 12ft TEF 6.8lb tapered leader with 4ft of 4.4lb Wychwood silk mode knotted using a 3-turn water (cove) knot.  In more breezy weather, you might need to crop this back to 10ft.  


Obviously, it’s best to target rising trout where possible.  Be sure to land your fly a few feet ahead of the rise form, so the trout sees your imitation well in advance and has time to respond.  In the absence of feeding fish, comb the water by fan casting.  Casts needn’t be too far now.  A recognized approach is to use approx 25ft of line that couple with your leader, results in casts of approx 4oft, which is ample when searching water.  Longer casts make it more difficult to avoid drag and of course, up your work rate.  To cover new water, simply take a few steps upstream and repeat the process. 


Incorporating an antron wing and kapok dubbing, whilst this pattern is extremely buoyant, after landing fish, it’s worth revamping sodden/slimed flies using Turrall’s dry-fly shake.  A quick dusting in this powder will render your tired dry fly as good as new!


Tie Your Own

Hook: Veniard Osprey grub #14

Thread: Semperfli 12/0 primrose classic waxed

Rib: Semperfli 6/0 primrose classic waxed

Body: Semperfli olive dun kapok dubbing

Thorax: Turrall’s

natural hare dubbing

Wing: Veniard’s fl yellow antron body yarn

Hackle: Metz grade2 grizzle hackle - cock

 For a more pronounced rib, it’s best to flatten off (remove tension) the 6/0 thread by gently spinning your bobbin holder in an anticlockwise direction (when viewed from above the vice), until the bobbin holder comes to rest.


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