The Essential Fly

Pike Fly Fishing

The notion of fly fishing for Muskie fly fishing or Pike fly-fishing isn't a new one. Books written in the course of the 19th century, and in fact earlier, explain the concept of catching our principal freshwater predator by means of hooks dressed with a variety of  of fur along with feather. A bit more recently fly-fishing for Muskie or Pike has matured in acceptance, not just in its place into the customary methods utilized by Muskie or Pike fishermen, but additionally as being a spanking new challenge to an mounting quantity of sport fly fishermen emerging from a more established game fly fishing background.

We wish to promote the usage of accepted fly fishing tackle and equipment which is suitable with the undertaking, plus most importantly of all, to promote a greater awareness of how Muskie or Pike  maybe handled in a manner which minimises any opportunity of hurt either towards the Muskie or Pike or the angler.

Facts and Fiction:

The Muskie or Pike has a deserved fame for being one of the most fearsome predator in our lakes, lochs and rivers. Nevertheless, at the same time as they really are absolutely a exceedingly evolved along with professional hunter, Muskie or Pike are also awfully fine fish that  should be handled with care and respect. Muskie or Pike will not strike or kill for enjoyment, and will just dine to maintain themselves. They do not waste energy by chasing prey which is hard to catch if a better opportunity exists. Muskie or Pike  are scavengers, and this is often demonstrated perfectly as a result of the quantity of specimen Muskie or Pike  caught every year on dead fish baits. Over and over again they'll target weak or dying fish - that  shows why fly fishing flies or lures planned to imitate these are so successful.

Pike Rod, Reels and Lines:

Muskie or Pike Fly fishing for Muskie or Pike requires using strong rods so that you can cast the heavy pike fly lines required to present large fly fishing flies. A 9 or 10 foot rod designed to cast a 10 weight fly line may also have sufficient backbone to restrain big Pike . Muskie or Pike  landed and returned in the water promptly, and while using least amount amount of fuss, will recuperate a lot more speedily than Muskie or Pike  that are played to a standstill on light weight tackle.

This is certainly especially true in hot weather when oxygen levels are low, as well as in Trout waters where Muskie or Pike  attain specimen size even more rapidly but tend to have a shorter life span as a consequence of their bulk.

There is no place in modern fly fishing for line class fishing where praise was once given in support of landing specimen Muskie or Pike on the lightest line possible. Casting large pike flies is made more straightforward by means of the use of heavy lines, and special Muskie or Pike taper lines with an exaggerated weight forward profile are now available. An alternative choice is to make use of a shooting head, but whatever fly line you choose it's important guarantee that your fishing reel can hold at the least a hundred metres of excellent quality backing.

Muskie or Pike are capable of making quick but very fast runs, and thus it's always highly recommended to utilize a fly fishing reel which includes a high-quality drag system that will help to absorb any unexpected dive made by the fish.

Pike Leaders and Tippets

When using large pike fly fishing flies turnover is aided using a comparatively short leader and many Muskie or Pike fly fishermen utilize a leader of 2 metres (6 feet) or less.  The choice between a tapered or level leader is basically a question of personal liking.  However, it's breaking strain has to be no less than 12 lbs. and a leader that has a breaking strain closer to 20 lbs. possibly will prove to be more manageable.

When fly fishing for Muskie or Pike the use of a wire trace is crucial always. Muskie or Pike boast extremely sharp teeth which will slice through alternative materials. A few have advocated the usage of hard nylon monofilament in a very heavy breaking strain, whilst conceding that occasional bite-offs were inevitable. This simply isn’t good enough as the collection of different trace wires now accessible gives the Muskie or Pike fly fisherman a variety of dependable options.

Nylon coated traces are easily fused aided by the naked flame from a cigarette lighter and uncoated wires produced from as many as 49 strands can be available, and these are awfully flexible and effective at being knotted.

Wire traces need to be at least 12 inches long.

Leaders and wire tippets need to be checked often for any signs of damage, specially following catching a Muskie or Pike . Any abrasions on the leader or signs of the wire having become kinked or frayed should lead to instant replacement.

Pike Knots, Links and Swivels:

Some fishermen choose to make use of a tiny swivel to attach the leader to wire tippet, or some form of snap link to attach the fly fishing fly to the trace. It is important to create connections which will stand up to riggers of constant fly fishing fly casting, as well as strain of playing large fish. Snaps and swivels ought to be of the best quality we can acquire plus must have a minimum breaking strain of 30 lbs. or more.
It is possible to implement knots in making all the mandatory connections.  The leader should be coupled to the fly line using a needle (or nail) knot and the wire tippet connected to leader using an Albright special knot. Determined by your choice of wire-trace, there are a number of techniques via which you'll be able to attach the eye of an snap link or a hook to the wire tippet:

  • Nylon coated wire; twist melt (using a lighter to fuse the two ends together).
  • Single strand wire; Haywire twist.
  • Uncoated 7 strand wire; small double sleeved crimp, or series of twists.
  • Uncoated 49 strand wire, Muskie or Pike fly wire or Braided wire; some may be knotted using Bowline knot, if unsure use a tiny double sleeved crimp.

Pike Hooks:

Most Muskie or Pike fly fishing flies are tied on large single hooks. To aid unhooking, use barbless hooks or debarb the hook first. You'll get rid of barbs by crushing them down with pliers, or filing them flat. Some flies possess a weed guard, which minimise the risk of snagging up in weedy water. Many saltwater fly patterns will catch Pike . However, it is best to avoid stainless-steel hooks as these won't rot away in the event that you incapable to retrieve a fly.

Other Pike Essentials:

A large Pike landing net is vital. Although many Muskie or Pike  anglers land their Muskie or Pike by hand, the length and adaptability of a fly rod makes this less viable for the fly fisherman. Round or pear shaped nets should have a diameter of no less than 30 inches. Alternatively a bow framed triangular net with 42 inch arms maybe used. The net should have a soft knotless mesh.

Pike Hook Removal:

It is very important carry a pair of long nosed forceps for hook removal. Hook-out tools are a very good alternative, and many Muskie or Pike anglers find that long nosed pliers give good purchase on the hook shank. In the event a fish is awkwardly hooked, a pair of side cutters will allow the hook to be cut and removed in two pieces.

Once the Muskie or Pike is in the landing net, you may find that you can detach the hook without lifting the fish out of the water.  If you don’t plan weigh or photograph the fish, it could possibly then be released directly out of the net, thus removing the necessity for just about any unnecessary handling.

If you do remove the netted Muskie or Pike from the water it has to be prevented from damaging itself by thrashing about or slipping. In most circumstances an unhooking mat will be essential to safeguard the fish whilst it is on the ground or in the bottom of your boat. In its place bubble wrap may perhaps be used, but never should the Muskie or Pike be laid upon a hard or rough surface. With the Muskie or Pike laid on its back, kneel astride it to control it's movement and then slip the fingers of your left hand under the gill cover. Taking care not to touch the gill rakers, slide your fingers forward until they rest on the inside of the Pike s lower jaw. Light upward pressure will persuade the fish to open its mouth so the hook may be removed. If desired the Muskie or Pike could possibly be weighed along with photographed before returning it to the water. Always use weigh slings - or an unhooking mat that doubles as a weigh sling. Never weigh a Muskie or Pike  by suspending it from your scales with it's chin. While taking photographs ensure the Muskie or Pike  is kept under control plus hold it close to the mat -  just in case it slips.

Remember: Minimum Handling = Maximum Conservation.

Safe Returns:

When returning Muskie or Pike  to the water it truly is important to support them in an upright position until they may be ready to swim away. This can be done either as a result of holding both flanks, or lightly gripping the wrist of the tail. Failure to support the fish until it's improved often leads to phenomena known as gassing up. This happens due to a build up of lactic acid in the blood and will cause the fish to belly up. If the Muskie or Pike shows any signs of rolling onto its back, simply continue to support it until it will take care of itself in an upright position. You could make out the fish expelling bubbles from its mouth or gills and this is a good sign that it's correcting its natural buoyancy satisfactorily.

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