The Essential Fly

New Tying Material & Predator Hair colours

New fly tying material & Predator Hair colours available!

We're very happy to announce the launch of our 'Silky Fibers', and 4 new colours to the Predator Hair range

Our Silky Fibers have been developed to be extremely hydrophobic, meaning that they're excellent at shedding excess water from the material on the back cast, resulting in a smoother cast and more natural landing on the water.

The new silky materials are available in Caddis Green & Olive, whilst the new Predator Hair colours are available in Hot Orange, Light Fuchsia, Light Purple & Pale Green.  These are an excellent addition to your tying bench, and make for fantastic fly bodies, hi-vis posts, and baitfish imitators.




Caddis Green Silky Material






Hot Orange Predator Hair






Light Fuchsia Predator Hair






Light Purple Predator Hair






Olive Silky Material






Pale Green Predator Hair


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