The Essential Fly

Improve your skills

We are often asked about tuition and as much as we would love to, we simply do not have the ability to provide this service. To make sure that you get the best tuition you should look at the GIA and AAPGAI websites to find a tutor in your area...

GAIA (Game Angling Instructor's Association)

The Game Instructors association was created in 1967 and was originally called the APGAI or the association of game angling instructors. It was around 1997 that the organisation changed its name to the Game angling instructor’s association and is now know as GAIA.

GAIA's four key aims are:

  • To establish and maintain a high standard of technical and practical knowledge and skills for game angling instruction/coaching.
  • To administer and manage GAIA's awards and to support high standards of technical competence in such other awards and certification for game angling coaches/instructors that may at any time involve the Association.
  • To promote GAIA and the professional integrity of its Members.
  • To establish GAIA as a recognised professional organisation for game angling both nationally and internationally.

GAIA is administered and managed by a Management Committee.

GAIA Members must respect and adhere to the GAIA Codes of Practice. 

Most active GAIA Instructors hold First Aid Certification and are DBS checked. Those that work with children, disabled or vulnerable persons also hold Child Protection and Awareness Certificates. This ensures you can engage only the best and safest qualified Instructors.

AAPGAI (Association of Advanced Professional Game Angling Instructor's)

AAPGAI instructors are highly-experienced game anglers, many of whom have fished all over the world in pursuit of a wide variety of fish species. All have undergone extensive preparation with and rigorous examination by the Association, in order to be certified as qualified, current and competent in the organisational, health and safety, casting and fishing (or fly dressing), and teaching skills required by AAPGAI. They are also fully insured, First Aid qualified and trained in up-to-date risk assessment and child protection procedures. Our assessors also hold recognised Assessment of Competence in the Work Environment (ACWE) qualifications, as part of the Association’s commitment to professionalism and fairness in the training and examination of those who wish to join.

AAPGAI is now an international organisation of over a hundred full members (male and female), the majority of whom are located in the United Kingdom. AAPGAI also have representatives in the Republic of Ireland, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Russia and the USA.



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