The Essential Fly

Fly fishing with the current

Small, clear water streams can be especially productive for fly fishing. Provided the angler stays low to the ground and as far from the bank as possible.

You should also move upstream stealthily. Because trout tend to face upstream, most of their food is carried to them on the current. Which is why the fish's attention is likely to be focused into the current. Most anglers move and fish into the current, downstream of the fish's suspected lie. Trout tend to strike their food at the edges of the current, where faster- and slower-moving waters mix. Large rocks and pools might obstruct the flow of the stream, and provide a "low energy" environment where fish sit and wait for food without expending much energy. When an angler casts upstream to the edge of the slower water, he can see the fly land and drift slowly back downstream.

The challenge in stream fishing is placing the fly with deadly accuracy. Literally within inches of a protective rock for instance, and not with long range casting. Done just right the fly will seem to float along in the current with a "perfect drift" as if it is not connected to the fly line. The angler must stay vigilant for the "take" and be ready to raise the rod tip and set the hook.

Try these techniques and you will have a good day’s fly fishing.

Check Our Deadly And Quality Trout Fly & Other Fly Patterns
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