When you are fly fishing for fish that feed on or near the bottom in salt or fresh water a fish finder rig is a good idea. This rig is a combination of a swivel, lead, and hook. The idea is that the rig will efficiently get your bait to the bottom and keep it in position without interfering with its action. It works well with both live bait and cut and prepared bait, and is effective in both still and flowing waters.
Begin by tying a heavy swivel to the end of the main line. To the other eye of the swivel tie on a lighter leader twelve to thirty-six inches long, depending on how high you want your bait off the bottom. Now attach a Bell sinker to the end of this leader. Then tie another leader to the same eye for a using a single swivel, or the third eye if you use a three-way swivel. Attach your hook to this leader and bait it.
The hook leader can be any length that will let the bait to work freely. If you want it near the bottom, ensure that it’s long or longer than the sinker leader. But if you want to keep it up off the bottom tie it shorter than the sinker leader. As the sinker sits on the bottom or drags along and, depending on how long you made the hook leader, will follow slightly above it. More on fly fishing rigs next time.
4 August
Fly Fishing with Fish Finder Rigs: 1
When you are fly fishing for fish that feed on or near the bottom in salt or fresh water a fish finder rig is a good idea. This rig is a combination of a swivel, lead, and hook. The idea is that the rig will efficiently get your bait to the bottom and keep it in position without interfering with its action. It works well with both live bait and cut and prepared bait, and is effective in both still and flowing waters.
Begin by tying a heavy swivel to the end of the main line. To the other eye of the swivel tie on a lighter leader twelve to thirty-six inches long, depending on how high you want your bait off the bottom. Now attach a Bell sinker to the end of this leader. Then tie another leader to the same eye for a using a single swivel, or the third eye if you use a three-way swivel. Attach your hook to this leader and bait it.
The hook leader can be any length that will let the bait to work freely. If you want it near the bottom, ensure that it’s long or longer than the sinker leader. But if you want to keep it up off the bottom tie it shorter than the sinker leader. As the sinker sits on the bottom or drags along and, depending on how long you made the hook leader, will follow slightly above it.