The Essential Fly

Fly Fishing in Croatia 4

In three previous blogs we’ve talked about the delights to be found when fly fishing in Croatia. Each river, though, has its own special set of regulations, so please bear in mind the local bylaws, and make sure you know what you are getting when you buy a permit.

One of Croatia’s small rivers that is absolutely worth investigating is The Vitunjčica. The Vitunjčica is small, and flows from beneath the Klek mountain. After running along for about 4 kilometres, it continues into Dobra. Throughout its entire course you find yourself in a very beautiful natural environment. All the while you are surrounded by fields, forests and meadows. Overshadowing everything is the magnificent Klek, the cradle of Croatian mountain-climbing. The river is full to bursting with brown and rainbow trout. You can also find golden trout in its waters, by the way. Plus, at its lowest area, near the delta, you can go fishing for grayling.

At the risk of repeating ourselves, this river is also subject to a very common Croatian regulation: one fly road, one artificial fly and barbless hooks. Streamers and glo bugs are absolutely verboten! Other than that, all that remains to be said is that a fly fishing holiday in Croatia, on your own, or with family, is highly recommended.Fly Fishing in Croatia 4

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