The Essential Fly

Fly Fishing Customer Service Runner Up

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Fly Fishing After Sales Service Runner Up

In a survey by Total Fly Fisher Magazine across thousands of fly fishermen The Essential Fly came runner in in after sales service provision! With tens of thousands of customers in 50 countries we are going from strength to strength. The Directors would like to thank Terry, Simon, Nigel, Annie and the team who provide such great backup and service to our customers and mostly thank our customers who voted for us in these awards.

When we first started we purchased fly fishing flies from many of our competitors and found they were delivered in yoghurt pots and all manner of strange items often with their catalogue wrapped around the package and found damaged flies, not what we expected and after sales service was poor. We tested the industry and found it to be lacking so customer services became a key backbone of The Essential Fly and what we try and offer fly fishermen. The true test of a company is the customer services and how they respond so winning this against companies that have been established in some cases for decades is a delight. Thank you everyone

Robert Bell
13 November 2018  |  21:24

ordered semperfli u.v torch on 9 November 2018 and received my torch next morning in northern Ireland. Excellent service. and u.v. torch is brilliant Many thanks Robert Bell

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