The Essential Fly

Fly Fishing Canada 2

There are endless opportunities for great fly fishing in Canada. If you enjoy going after salmon you could do worse than head for the famous Gaspe Peninsula, which offers incomparable Atlantic salmon fishing.

The area boasts three excellent Atlantic salmon Rivers from June until September. The Bonaventure, for example, is renowned for its clear waters and opportunities for sight casting opportunities - brilliant for dry fly fishing. The smallest of the three rivers is the Petit Cascapedia, which has clear, picturesque pools containing big salmon and massive brookies. The Grand Cascapedia, justly famous, is noted for salmon that can go up to the forty-pound class.

Trout fishing appeal to you more? Then, fear not, because there are There also some excellent trout streams in the area. Their populations of wild brookies ranging from two to eight pounds. Booking into a camp, which offers guides as well as transport - such as canoe or on wheels, depending which river you are fishing. You can fish either from a canoe, or by wading, depending on the water conditions.
More on fly fishing around the world next time.

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