The Essential Fly

Fly Fishing Bolivia

There are some organisations now offering fly fishing adventures in remove, previously unfished areas of Bolivia. In the north east, for example, you can choose between lagoon and river fishing. You have opportunities for spin casting and bait casting as well, together with plenty to enjoy in the beautiful landscapes with their abundant wildlife.

Out here you will be treated to the sigh of macaws, parrots, stork, geese, ducks and unusual animals such as caiman and capybara. in a lush, sub-tropical setting. And if you enjoy hard-fighting fish, you’re spoiled for choice in Bolivia, with its waters carrying many feisty species, including peacock bass, payara, pacu and others.

At the Rio Negro/Rio San Simon fishing area near one of the commercial fishing lodgers you will encounter the mighty sabre-tooth payara. This fish is the tiger of South America and offers the fishing experience of a lifetime. The payara have often been described as "tarpon on steroids" and range from five to twenty-five pounds, though they can exceed 50 pounds. It’s not unknown to get 10 or 15 of them hooked a single day.

There’s no doubt that, for an absolutely thrilling fly fishing experience, Bolivia is one place you must have on your itinerary.


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