The Essential Fly

Fly Fishing Argentina 9

A challenging but rewarding fly fishing location is the Rio Pico, a willow-lined stream which is spring fed in its upper reaches, and in its lower reaches by the Rio Nielson and Rio Las Pampas in it’s lower reaches.  Getting there can be challenging but rewarding, and usually requires some hiking. Again, like some other small rivers in Argentina, catching quite large fish is a surprising possibility, especially  the large rainbow and brown trout that inhabit its waters.  The only way to fish is by walking the bank, at least until the river picks up tributaries toward the Chilean border, where the water is deep enough to float.

The Nielson, too, is a delightful river. It’s full of medium sized rainbows plus some larger browns.  While you’re walking through the vast ranches in the area you will find this is a great place to fish dry flies to some rather eager fish.  The Nielson is a good choice for fly fishing, an ideally-sized freestone stream offering miles of riffles and pools in which to walk and spot fish.

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