The Essential Fly

Brightly coloured lures or go dark?

The summer months instinctively see us reach for brightly coloured lures with the idea that warmer temperatures make trout more aggressive and prepared to seize those gaudy dressings. In many respects this is very true, however due to thermal stratification, trout often seek out deeper cooler water, where the colour spectrum becomes less important at depth, However, black flies still show up extremely well to give them a positive outline, even in the inky depths.
This black tadpole shown below then is not only obvious deep down, it has plenty of movement too.

Read on for tying guide and fishing tips!

Semperfli guard hair chenille is a wonderful material that gives lures a new lease of life.  Not only is there a hint of sparkle there, but pearly strands give the body s sort of 3-D effect. Whilst a tungsten bullet has been incorporated here in this tadpole pattern for the head to provide the required weight, this can easily be substituted with a round bead of some 3.5mm diameter. 

Black Tadpole Shopping List

Kamasan B-830 size 10-12 
Thread: Semperfli 6/0 black classic waxed
Tail: Black marabou
Body: Semperfli black guard hair chenille
Hackle: Grizzle
Head: Gold bullet head

Fishing Tips

Where drop offs occur, we strongly recommend a floating line, coupled with a long leader as this helps control at what depth your fly is fished.  A 12ft Wychwood 12ft/8lb ghost mode leaders are handy with an extra 4-6ft tippet of Wychwood 6.5lb silk mode. 
Naturally, a pair of polariods like the will help you identify the deeper areas, or where shelves occur, due to darker looking water.  It’s then a matter of targeting these areas by using the count down method.  Often, you’ll need 30-40 seconds for your fly to plunge down deep.
When it comes to retrieving, forget those yard long fast draws as this only serves to pull your fly back to the surface.  Instead, short and sharp tweaks are the order of the day.  This jerky retrieve not only imparts plenty of movement to the fly, it also allows trout plenty of time to “lock on” in the murky depths.   

Where a strong breeze whips up surface currents, the use of an Airflo 5-10ft sinking poly leader helps hold your tippet and fly at depth.  Various densities can be used here though the be aware the faster sinking ones will physically pull the tip of your fly line under, which is nothing to worry about.
Takes can be dividend into two distinct camps.  Sometimes trout will hit the fly with arm wrenching pulls that are obvious.  Conversely, you might experience those subtle affairs when the only indication is a slight heaviness on the fly line.  In either case, it’s best you hold the rod tip approx 1ft clear of the surface to firstly act as a cushion against smash takes and secondly, to watch for those nervous takes when any drooping line momentarily hesitates.


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