The Essential Fly

Airflo Polyleader Trout 10 Foot Set Fly Leaders

Unboxing of the Airflo Polyleader Trout 10 Foot set. 

the set includes 7 polyleaders which cover 7 different line rates. We take a closer look at what these leaders offer you, the key features and benefits and how they can help improve and simplify your fishing experience!

Airflo Polyleader Trout set comes with all seven different leader rates from floating to extra fast sink, in 10 foot lengths. Each leader has 12lb breaking strain and in addition you get a nifty mesh wallet to keep all the leaders at hand and the mesh allows the used leaders to dry efficiently without going manky! Airflo's industry leading welded loop won't let you down. A truly versatile let that covers all the basis required when fishing.

where can I use Airflo Polyleaders?

Airflo Trout leaders are ideal to use with a single fly rig on rivers or stillwaters and will easily aid turn over of all fly varities from dries, nymphs and up to streamers.

Check out our video below!

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