The Essential Fly

Affordable Fly Tying Materials

Affordable Fly Tying Materials

Top Fly Tying Materials That Won’t Break The Bank!

Often described like “kids in a sweet shop” it can be a fly tyers paradise scouring the internet for fly tying materials. Now that’s all good and well, if you know what you need and what you're looking at! However for novice fly tyers it can be a daunting task at picking out the right materials. This is where we, your good friends at The Essential Fly come in. We’ve hand picked some of the hottest fly tying materials that are taking the world by storm. And the best bit? All at affordable prices! Keep scrolling to see the materials you need to start your fly tying adventure!



If you’re a regular reader of our newsletters you’ll have seen Paul Procter’s recommendations on fly tying threads last week! The Semperfli Classic Waxed Thread range is second to none, loved and used worldwide by experienced fly tyers. Get More For Your Money! In sizes 3/0, 6/0, 8/0, 12/0, 18/0 A whopping 240 Yards per spool meaning you get more for your money! Lays flat Professionally spooled meaning no birds nest like tangles when coming of the spool! Just the right amount of wax on each thread to hold materials and not clog bobbins All in all its just the Rolls Royce of fly tying threads which you should have in your fly tying kit!

We recently spoke with fly fisher and fly tyer Phillippa Hake and asked her thoughts on the Classic Waxed Threads, here’s what she had to say.

“The Semperfli Classic Waxed Thread range really is a game changer in tying threads, from the quantity you receive to the technology behind the spooling of these great threads. I don’t use any other threads now, they cover all tying aspects with the range available from 3/0 to 18/0. You can tie all sorts of flies from small dry flies to bigger nymphs and lures. With the added security of knowing the threads are consistent in colour you can always rely on them!"


Dubbing is a material used to create bodies and thorax's on flies, weather that be dry flies or nymphs. Yes you can get dubbing that is designed for the use on dry flies however you can use it on nymphs too! The Semperfli Dubbing dispensers are the perfect choice for fly tyers wanting to explore more fly patterns! They are available in Kapok, Ice Dubbing, Seals Fur Sub, Superfine and Sparkle. offering you plenty of choice in patterns to tie and explore when you're at the vice! If you just want to focus and perfect a few patterns before moving on to the more advanced flies then single packs of dubbing may be the way for you. If that's the case then this Hemmingways Hares Dubbing would suit you perfectly. A great dubbing for making buggy looking flies!

Did you know? You can always rely on consistency with the Semperfli Dubbing range, due to their Dubbings dyed via a computerised system you don't have to worry about your next batch being different. You can always tie with confidence! If you want to see just how Semperfli professionally dye their materials then have a look at this video!

Dirty Bug Yarn

The list is endless when you get your hands on some of the Semperfli Dirty Bug Yarn. They pulled out all stops when it comes to making your tying easier and simpler! This stuff flies out of the door its that popular! As like many of the Semperfli Materials range, they give you much more for your money. Dirty Bug Yarn you get 5m per spool. What to tie with it? There are so many flies you can tie with Dirty Bug Yarn. It's the perfect match for river bugs as seen in some images below. The name says it all, often you just get one solid colour in stand dubbings, where as with this material they are dyed and blended to achieve much more match to what's on the invertebrates! The colour range in Dirty Bug Yarn is fabulous too! Paul Procter enjoys using the salmon and Litchen shades for tying shrimps. Where as the Pale Olive shade is also great for tying Czech Nymph patterns like this one below!


Wire is quite an important component of tying flies, not only used for ribbing flies but you can use it to add weight to flies. As wires come in all different sizes lets break it down for you. Fine wire 0.1mm we recommend for use on small dry flies and micro nymphs 0.2mm we recommend for use on nymph, buzzers and salmon flies. 0.3mm perfect for the traditional fly the "Copper John" even streamers and other predator flies. 0.5mm the ideal wire for tying bigger flies such as saltwater, salmon & sea trout flies.


Picking the right feathers can really be a head bender. But it doesn't have to be! More often than not you don't need to go out and buy loads of different feathers and capes. Feathers are used in different ways in tying. You can use them for tails, hackles on dry flies, legs, wings, all sorts! but choosing them doesn't have to cost you a fortune! Let's break it down. Indian Cock Neck feathers can be used for all manner of flies from wet flies to nymphs. You can confidently use these feathers as a tailing option as a substitute to the more expensive Coq De Leon too! These capes are excellent value for money and you're sure to cover many patterns with them! English Grey Partridge Very usefull for those who like to tie soft hackle dry flies, spiders but they can also be used as a hackle on nymphs too! Partridge feathers offer lots of movement in the water hence their popularity with anglers who like to tie spider patterns!

Pheasent tail

Perhaps one of the most famous flies in the world, it catches fish everywhere. Its tied with Pheasant Tail, this can be used as a tailing material, wind it round the hook to create a nice body or use it for the thorax cover on nymphs. Pheasant tails have lots of uses and you shouldn't be without!

CDC - Cul De Canard

The feathers that make flies float! CDC is very popular in fly tying! Used on hundreds of flies it helps make them float. Use CDC as a wing on the following patterns Olive Up Wing Dry Fly CDC F-Flies Yellow Owl Dry CDC & Elk Caddis Red Tag Jig Its always useful to treat your CDC when out fishing. A top tip from us is carry a fly patch that you can dry your flies on or simply a piece of kitchen roll, dry the CDC then apply a dry fly dust. We recommend the Loon Outdoors Dust to keep them CDC flies high and dry!

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