Using Fur In Salmon Fly patterns
Product: Arctic Marble Fox.
Hair length. 90 mm (average length)
Uses: Salmon, sea trout and steelhead flies. Tube flies dressed either traditional, Frodin, Shumakov, or templedog style up to 80mm wing or tail length. Any larger hairwing single, double and treble or the smaller hooks / tubes that require a longer wing. First class fox tail long and very mobile. Ideal for the Scandinavian style of fly dressing.
Type of fly fishing. Salmon, sea trout and steelhead sunk line and floating line.
Product: Arctic Shadow Fox.
Hair length. 70mm (average length)
Uses: Salmon sea trout and steelhead flies. Tubes in all the various dressing styles, singles doubles and trebles all requiring a maximum wing or tail length of 60mm.Smaller hooks tubes that require a longer wing. Relatively soft with a fantastic sheen. Very good winging material.
Type of Fly fishing. Sunk and floating line flies fishing for salmon sea trout and steelhead.
Product: Arctic Blue Fox.
Hair length. 50mm (average length)
Uses: As per marble and shadow but with maximum wing length of 50mm. Ideal for low water doubles and trebles.
Type of Fly fishing. Sunk and floating line flies fishing for salmon sea trout and steelhead
Note, A bonus of all three fox tails is the under fur. Save it as it makes very good dubbing for trout and sea trout flies, either on its own or mixed with either natural or synthetic dubbing.
Product: Raccoon Dog.
Hair length. 100mm.( average)
Uses: As per Fox. But as it is quite long and has a natural curve to it, it makes it ideal not only as a hair dressed on its own but as and overwing to arctic fox thus giving a longer and more curved profile. A great hair with a good deal of mobility. Made for Scandinavian style of fly dressing.
Type of Fly fishing: Sunk and floating line flies fishing for salmon sea trout and steelhead
Product. Fox Body Fur.
Hair Length. 50mm (average)
Uses: A shortish fine very mobile hair suited to the sea trout fly and the trout fly as winging material. However if you make a zonker strip out of this body hair it makes excellent zonker and matuka patterns as well as tails for the likes of damsel flies. Very mobile in the water.
Type of Fly fishing: Sea trout and trout ( brown and rainbow) fly fishing. In still and running water.
Product: Nayat
Hair length 175mm (average length)
Uses: An ideal hair for those long winged salmon patterns such as tadpole, collie dog, sunray shadow. Also great for Scandinavian templedog dressings etc. in the larger patterns. Green highlander, Phatagorva as an example. Hair has a slight crinkle to it but is of good mobility and very easy to tie in.
Type of Fly fishing. Ideally suited to salmon fly fishing either with a floating or sunk line. But has great possibilities for the pike fly angler. A bunch of this hair with a bit of sparkle added would just be the thing.
Product: Cashmere Goat.
Hair length 160mm (average length)
Uses: At last a perfect match for Caucasian silver goat. Perfect for those Yuri Shumakov tubes, Frodin's tubes and any fly that you want to have translucency and mobility. A hair that is much more mobile than polar bear, and as translucent. Will make great collie dogs and sunray shadows. Also good for Saltwater flies . It is mobile and stays lively in salt water.
Type of Fly fishing: Ideally suited to salmon fly fishing either with a floating or sunk line. But has great possibilities for the pike fly angler. A bunch of this hair with a bit of sparkle added would just be the thin
Product: Boar Bristles on Skin .
Hair length. 70mm (average length)
Uses: Perfect for pot bellied pigs and francis and any other shrimp or prawn pattern requiring feelers. Another use for the bristle is as an addition to the long tail of some of the modern dressings such as cascade. There is a bonus with this material and that is the wool at the base of the bristle. This can be used in various colours as traditional body material in the salmon fly patterns.
Type of Fly fishing Salmon fly fishing with sunk and floating line. Could also be used on some of the more adventurous sea trout patterns.
Product: Mink tails
Hair length 50mm (average length)
Uses: A shorter finer hair ideally suited to the smaller salmon fly #6 - #10 and tubes 12mm - 25mm. Makes a very neat wing ideal for Dee and Spey low water flies. Due to the length its texture. Mink tail is also very suitable for sea trout flies such as hair wing Watsons fancy, Stuarts killer etc.
Type of fly fishing Salmon sea trout fly fishing and in a variety of traditional patterns hair wing butcher etc. trout fly fishing also.