Kamasan B200 Hooks For Fly Tying

Well known manufacturer of fishing hooks. Don't forget to check out also the Umpqua range of hooks which come in 50 packs of trout hooks and offer amazing value

Kamasan Hooks By Pack Size 

Packs of Hooks 100 Packs 1000 packs  

Kamasan Hooks By Model

B100 Grub Hooks B100 Gold Grub Hooks B100N Nickel Grub Hooks B160
B170 B175 B180 Low Water Salmon B200 Deep Water Nymphs
B270 Trout Doubles B280 Low Water Salmon Double B380 Salmon Trebles B400
B401 B420 B830 B990


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FLy Fishing Hook Blog Posts

So many brands, materials and sizes how on earth do you choose? Hopefully some of our blog posts will help you decide.