Jungle Cock

Specially designed to imitate Jungle Cock which is CITES protected. Very little Jungle Cock available to fly tyers is legally sourced. Most is from illegal hunted sources from immoral suppliers and retailers buying illegal capes around the world. As fly tyers we need to act before it is too late for this wonderful species.

Semperfli Jungle Cock is available in Natural, Pink, Hot Orange, Green, Blue and Purple each available in 10mm, 17mm, 24mm and 30mm packs.

Some legally sourced suppliers are providing CITES certificates for Jungle Cock Capes from for example DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs) in the UK. This is fantastic and shows that the supplier is sourcing legal capes. However as fly fishermen and fly tyers we still have a problem. Once we have tied feathers from a legal cape onto a fly how can anyone tell that those feathers were from that legally purchased cape? Unless we have DNA of the original cape and veterinary proof that those feathers are from the original cape we cannot prove it. So what does that mean? If you travel through international borders fishing in Iceland, Norway or USA for example and are faced by a customs officer you are facing the same risks and penalties as if you were carrying an elephant’s tusk in your baggage! So, what are the risks?? You go on the trip of lifetime and are stopped at customs and all of your flies could be taken, confiscated or worse!
We are aware of top fishermen who have been put on the CITES Register and now have problems whenever they travel internationally.

  • Once you have tied your Jungle Cock into your fly , mark the sides with a black permanent marker pen. This hides the white edges and makes Semperfli Synthetic Jungle Cock look even more natural.
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