The Essential Fly

The Essential Fly Sandys Blank Buster Assassin White Back / Yellow Fishing Fly Size 16

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The Essential Fly Sandys Blank Buster Assassin White Back / Yellow Fishing Fly Size 16

Sandy's Dicksons Blank Buster Assassins

The Assassin works stunningly as part of a team of flies with Blank Buster Buzzers or on their own. These sit with their foam just below their surface film or if you gink the thorax they will sit high in the surface film. Sandy tried these in teams of 3 as emergers were hatching and they were ripped into by the Rainbows. Sitting just subsurface they are the fly to use when you see the bow waves of fish hitting emergers.

A hybrid fly these are suggestive flies, designed using vibrant Straggle String in fluoro orange, yellow, green and black with black and white foam backs.

What is it? Originally planned as an emerger yet designed to be more convenient using foam than cdc emergers.However the Assassin was developed and refined further. Fished down the margins while fish have been feeding on fry and tadpoles, fished when there are beetles and snails in the water again this fly proved effective.

What we love about the Assassin was that unlike traditional CDC Emergers these really last, without the need for drying the cdc. We simply shake the fly with a false cast and get straight back into the action, improving our number of catches when fish are rising.

The Assassin is a highly effective fly, try it on top and / or middle droppers with Buzzers, float or perform a slow lift and drop you will find these deadly, that is why Sandy called it the Assassin!


This product was last modified on 16/01/2025 13:29


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Manufacturer Part Number
The Essential Fly
Fly Size
Size 16
Product Type
Fishing Flies

Fishing Fly Details
Fly Target Species
Trout & Grayling

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