Damsel Nymph Nygren Variant Damsel Nymph Nygren Variant. 3rd Place in the Fly Tying Masters Round 1 Now here’s something a little bit different and it’s this little bit different that see’s it sitting in the top three. Magnus Nygren from Sweden has given us something that is sure to work – even though it’s tied in crazy yellow colour – on our still water trout. There’s nothing new on this fly but the way that all the materials have been married together makes it look unique and different. The soft hackle fibres add movement to the pattern as does the Spanflex so there’s no need for any weight in the pattern. The crazy appearance shouldn’t put you off; believe it or not damsel nymphs aren’t green all their lives when they are mature they are a very pale straw colour, so this will do just fine. | Tying Specifications | Hook | Standard wet size 8 | Thread | Yellow | Eyes | Damsel Eyes Black | Hackle | Light Brown | Body & Tail | Yellow Spanflex, flat on the body and furled on the tail | Thorax & Head | Natural hen (light) and yellow soft hackle fibres tied in forward and folded back and tied down | |
This product was last modified on 16/01/2025 13:27
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