The Essential Fly

River in Flood

Well we had hoped to do some kick sampling yesterday.  There we were, all kitted up and with our kick sampling tools ready and our photographer Si with us too for those ace photos we were going to take!  We were hoping to get pictures of the local entomology for our studies and for sharing with our customers.  That way we all know whats out there currently for our fly tying.

So we headed off to the river Wharfe in Tadcaster North Yorkshire.  This is a beautiful river, really picturesque with a weir and viaduct over it -worthy of many lovely photos. Even the company dog Tess was excited about this trip!

We knew it had rained a bit recently, but in all honesty it wasn't that bad. But when we got to the river we were amazed!  To say it was in flood is a bit of an understatement.  It was at least 6 ft up - the weir was not visible at all apart from some 'waves' where the weir should have been.  It was almost covering the trees too!

So, the trip we were all looking forward to had to be cancelled so we simply headed off for a drink instead!

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