The Essential Fly

Phillippa Hake's Straggle Legs Jig

Phillippa Hake's Straggle Legs Jig

We asked Phillippa Hake to tie up one of her lovely jig nymph patterns she has in her box when out targeting both trout and grayling! It’s a fly she says oozes movement and with the huge range of materials available, you can change the colour combination to suit the fish’s needs in your local river! Keep scrolling to see Phillippa’s step by step to tie your own!

Material List

Hook - Jig size 14

Thread - Semperfli Classic Waxed 12/0 Black

Tail - Coq De Leon

Body - Semperfli Kapok Fusion UV Marginata

Rib - Semperfli Straggle Legs Brown

Legs - Semperfli Grizzle Flutter Legs Clear & Blue Flake

Bead - Semperfli Slotted Tungsten 3.8mm

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Step 1 - Mount the slotted bead on the hook and place in your vice

Step 2 - Start thread wraps behind the bead, secure the bead until it stops moving. Catch in tail fibres

Step 3 - The tail should be approximately the length of the hook shank. Trim waste pieces away once happy with the tail position

Step 4 - Tie in a length of Straggle Legs. It’s worth noting here that there are many colours available in Straggle Legs and also on a multicard! Play about with different colour combinations!

Step 5 - Create a dubbing loop with the new Kapok Fusion UV dubbing from Semperfli! Easy to dub on and looks absolutely fantastic!

Step 6 - Dub all the way up towards the eye, leaving some space behind the bead to tie in the SiliLegs

Step 7 - In open turns, bring the Straggle Legs up the body, acting as a rib but also adding some tantalising movement to the fly! Tie off and trim the waste

Step 8 - Grab some SiliLegs and tie in either side of the hook

Step 9 - Take a few thread wraps to secure in place 

Step 10 - Take a pinch more of the Kapok Fusion Dubbing to dub on for the thorax.

Step 11 - Once happy with the positioning of the legs. Trim away. A top tip here is for consistency, use the grizzle markets to ensure you’re trimming the same length each time!

Step 12 - Whip finish with a dab of varnish and add to your fly box for your next outing!

As Phillippa Mentions above. The Semperfli Straggle Legs are available on popular multi cards! Unlock your tying potential and crate some stunning flies in beautiful colours!

Click here to buy!

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