The Essential Fly

Fly Fishing Argentina 11

We recommend someday that pack your fly fishing tackle for a great holiday to Argentina. A grand area to explore is Patagonia’s San Martin - which some believe is not unlike Montana in character. Its rivers flow for long distances and offer some of the best dry fly fishing in the region.  Its rivers have hard-to-pronounce Mapuche Indian names, but offer memorable angling. Some of them, such as the Malleo, Filo, and Traful, are only for wading, while rivers like the Chimihuin, Alumine, Collon Cura, and Limay are best fished from our drift boats.  Many of the area’s northern rivers have daily hatches and unlimited fishing options. Overseeing almost all of these beautiful venues is the majestic Lanin Volcano.

A great alternative is the Rio Chimehuín, which begins at Lago Huechulafquen and its famous  boca, where the country’s record brown trout of 25.5 pounds was caught. This is great option for people who love wading over floating.  There are lodges and hostels on some stretches of the river, where floating is preferred by many anglers, In any case, this river fishes very well with all techniques, from dry fly, to nymphing, or using streamers. Make sure for this trip that you have all of these in your fly fishing tackle box.

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