Treat Your Flies Right!

Accessories and kit you need to up your dry fly game this trout season!

When dry fly fishing it’s essential your fly is behaving and presented how it should be to maximise your chances of fooling a trout to take your dry fly! In this newsletter we’re going to take a look at what you need to help keep them flies where they should be!


It’s a must when dry fly fishing. Especially on spooky and pressured fish. The presentation of your fly, in many cases has to be pin point perfect! We recommend The Essential Fly Tapered Leaders to achieve a nice turnover, delicate and precise presentation of your fly to the feeding fish! In some fishing scenarios you may need more space from you and the fly. This may be due to a spooky fish or if you’re fishing on pressured waters! Most tapered leaders come in 9ft or 12ft. If you’re needing to add a few extra feet we recommend The Essential Fly Fluorocarbon tippet.

Keep Em' Dry!

Its important to keep you dry flies high, so it's wise to keep some floatant in your armour to! We highly recommend the Loon Outdoors Aquel Floatant and also the Loon Dust which is a powdered floatant to keep your flies dry! Choosing which to get can be difficult. If your fishing with a lot of CDC flies you’ll know that once it’s fooled a trout you’ve got to dry it off to get it to float again.

We recommend the simplest way by pinching the body to expose the wet wing, rub against your shirt or take a sheet of kitchen roll to absorb the water. Then simply apply the Loon Dust which is easily done with the brush!

For flies that are bushy or hackled it’s wise to carry a bottle of the original Gink or loon Outdoors Aquel to work into the fibres! A top tip when using gink or others alike - Gink fly floatant is temperature sensitive and works best at body temperature hence always squeeze a drop onto your forefinger and make it more fluid by rubbing against your thumb. Wipe the liquefied floatant onto the hackles, tail and wings or even the body of your fly.

Take the shine away!

To reduce flash and shine on your leader from bright sun it’s wise to take your leader and run it though some mud to get the camouflage you need when dry fly fishing! Reducing the chances of the fish seeing the tippet on the water.

Check Our Deadly And Quality Trout Fly & Other Fly Patterns
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