The Essential Fly

Straggle Legs Multicard

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Straggle Legs Multicard

Straggle Legs Multicard

A multicard selection of different colours of Strraggle Legs. Straggle Legs Multicard is perfect for legs and hackles Straggle Legs Multicard creates legs when fly tying better than any synthetic material on the market. Straggle Legs Multicard has an ultra fine core twin core fritz with 16mm crinkled strands that are spread sparsely so they do not overlap.

Straggle Legs is available in lots of colours to match legs on insects and invertebrates and mixed in fluorescent dyed versions as attractor colours. However as a fritz Straggle Legs Multicard is far more versatile than its name, use if for hackles on wet flies, palmered on bodies to give a mobile effect like fine marabou strands emerging from the body of your fly.

How does Straggle legs Compare to Straggle String? Straggle String is a market leader as a Micro Straggle Chenille with a micro core available in vast array of colours. The comparison comes with the length and tightness of the strands, where Straggle Legs are longer and spread further apart. Straggle String has shorter strands with a UV fleck built in. Straggle String has been adopted by Hans van Klinken as a peacock herl replacement for his KlinkhĂĄmer.

This product was last modified on 17/02/2025 06:45


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