Presentation Casting 1

Fly fishing has many facets, and among the different techniques you absolutely need to learn to make curve, reach, hook and slack line casts, but also you need to choose the right fly fishing tackle for the job.

As one of the most exciting and visual styles, dry fly fishing in unparalleled. But it requires a lot of skill, particularly the skill of presentation. Presentation isn’t only about good casting, though; it is about so much more. For a start it requires that you select the appropriate rod, reel, line and leader. For instance you have little chance of making a good presentation of a size 20 fly with a number 9 line, or a 3x leader. As a rough way to calculate the best combination is the "x" leader size times three is the fly size. So, for example, a 7x leader is fine for a 20 and a 3x leader for a 12.

The dry fly method is highly rewarding – and we will explain more on techniques next time – but selecting the right fly fishing tackle before you begin is critical.

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