Fly Fishing Gear: Nylon and Rubber Waders

We’ve mentioned in previous blogs the importance of waders as part of your fly fishing gear. As an option to high-tech modern materials, you can of course go traditional with canvas waders, though they are getting pretty hard to find these days. While they are cheaper than neoprene or Gore-Text, but you are going to sacrifice a lot in flexibility, breathability and in overall weight. On the other hand, canvas waders are about as durable as they come and a great choice for a person just starting out in the sport.

Nylon waders are also an excellent choice for beginners. These are are a small step up from the rubber waders that most beginners choose. Nylon waders are lightweight and will keep you dry and warm. One disadvantage to them is that they can be hot. Because they are not breathable, this heat can cause a problem in colder months when sweat builds up causing the fisherman's clothes to become damp or wet. More than just being uncomfortable the worst case scenario is that it could lead to hypothermia if the angler gets too cold. The same is true even in summer months when clothes become damp or wet and you spend a lot of time in an ice cold mountain stream.

Rubber waders are another good choice, but their popularity is in decline because of the price drops in  neoprene and breathable waders. Though the cost of rubber waders might be attractive to somebody on a tight budget, you should consider that you will be giving up flexibility, breathability and weight offered by neoprene and breathable material. Because of the way they are constructed, rubbers waders may pose some slight safety problems. While you should always ensure you wear a securely-fastened wading belt around your waist, this precaution is especially true important with rubber waders. With fly fishing gear, it should always be a case of safety first.

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